Thursday, January 31, 2013

Song (Sung) Dynasty Map

Above is a map of the Song (or Sung) Dynasty.  There were two main periods of the Song, North and South.  Both are on the map above.  The dark brown represents the Northern Song (960-1126 A.D.) and its capital, Kai-Feng.  The lighter brown represents the Southern Song (1127-1279 A.D.) and also shows its capital, Hangchou (Hangzhou).  The white represents modern China.  Towards the end of the Northern Song rule, they were attacked and their capital Kai-feng conquered.  Since their attackers came from the north, the only direction to go was south.  Losing land meant less resources and a smaller and less effective (even less so than the original) military.  That is why parts of the western boarder receded.


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