Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Neo-Confucianism Informational

Neo-Confucianism was the revival of the old philosophy, Confucianism.  Although almost the same, Neo-Confucianism borrows ideas of Taoism and Buddhism.  However, they are both similar in their attempt to revert back to old teachings. To understand Neo-Confucianism, you must first know what Confucianism is.  Confucianism is a religion that believes in leading by example.  For instance, if the Emperor is being rude and disrespectful to people, they're going to notice and think he knows what hes doing because hes the Emperor, I should be more like him.  Then people will be rude and disrespectful to everyone else.  However, if the Emperor is kind and courteous to people, then they will think they should be too, and the cycle will repeat with their children and so on.  Taoism is a philosophy that teaches people to go with the flow, take the path of lest resistance.  And finally, Buddhism teaches you to detach yourself from worldly possessions to achieve peace in life.  When you combine these three, you end up with Neo-Confucianism.  The main differences between the old and new Confucian based religions is that traditional Confucianism is based on ancient moral teachings, while Neo-Confucianism tried to revive traditional Confucianism.  As well, traditional Confucianism is more structured while Neo-Confucianism is more belief based.  

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