Tuesday, February 12, 2013


During the Song dynasty, Neo-Confucianism was the religion of choice for most of China.  Neo-Confucianism is a religion in which it is believed that if officials or elders behave well, youths will follow that example.  For example, if your town head is kind to everyone, then youths will notice this and aspire to be like him.  This is important because it makes people feel safe and the safer the people act, the fewer rules are required to keep them in order.  The fewer rules, the happier the people become and the more trusted they feel.  When the people are happy, there is less reason for them to want a new emperor.

Another belief of Neo-Confucianism is that you should be in touch with the natural world.  Get to know the trees, the grass, flowers and little squirrels.  This is important because it teaches people respect for things.  Not just nature, but people and possessions.  It also teaches them the importance of the whole over the individual.  People will grow and develop and when they're older, youths will see them behaving in this manor  and want to be like them and the cycle will go on.

Contrary to Neo-Confucianism, there is Legalism where it is believed that people are bad and need strict rules to keep them in order.  The strict rules will displease the people, and as a result, they will be more on edge and blame the highest authority for the smallest of issues.  It will only escalate from there and people will be unhappy and rude and want a new ruler.  There will be more violence and hatred and then inevitably, division.  Neo-Confucianism is the preferable religion, and will bring peace and happiness to anyone who wishes to follow.

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